

May 29, 2023

The Central Library’s FabLab and its features

News Reporter

Events library specialist Cal Latour appliesmasking tape in the FabLab on Aug. 24 at the Central Library. Latour created vinyl prints for the Makeover Your Space event.

The Central Library’s Fabrication Laboratory, better known as the FabLab, offers a number of equipment and learning opportunities for students.

The makerspace gives students hands-on learning with equipment and materials including 3D printing and scanning, CNC milling, printmaking, kilns and more. Open to all students regardless of major, this creative workspace is here to encourage students to learn and make “almost anything” they set their minds to, according to the UTA Libraries' website.

Students must have their Mav ID to enter the Central Library and FabLab. Those wishing to use the lab also need either Mav Money loaded onto their ID or print cards from the library in order to pay for the materials used. According to the website, they are currently working on a checkout system for various hand tools.

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The lab uses a process called fused deposition modeling when creating 3D printing projects, providing filament for students to use. There are also sewing and embroidery machines that offer an array of thread colors and assorted fabric samples to use.

There’s also opportunities for larger scale projects. According to previous Shorthorn reporting, students have used the FabLab for personal projects like creating 50 to 60 different hoodie designs to use as merchandise for their fan base.

Following the national shortage of face shields due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, a student lead for the lab utilized the space to create masks that were then distributed to campus and local hospitals.

UTA’s FabLab is the first Massachusetts Institute of Technology affiliated lab in a Texas university, according to the website. Students who use the space also have a chance to develop their professional, interpersonal, creative and technological skills, allowing for a competitive advantage in the workplace.

Funded by the general libraries budget, the space officially opened in October 2014.

Computer science junior Moiz Daruwala, right, and Braidon Clemence, assistant director of multimedia, look over a banner in the FabLab on Aug. 24 in the Central Library. Clemence said he owns a shop where he works on a 66 Mustang and an old Jeep, and with the FabLab he’s able to “bring ideas to life.”

The intent of the facilities is to further student experiential learning, according to previous Shorthorn reporting. This learning style allows users to apply their knowledge through play and hands-on activities.

Lauren Stutler, director of Creative Spaces and Services, oversees staff members and is responsible for ensuring that they are setting students up for success. She said they are working hard to bring in new ideas to the FabLab like creating a dark room to improve 3D scanning and partnering with the College of Nursing to give students a more interactive education.

Stutler said she wished students knew the FabLab is available for use, and they don’t need prior experience to access the equipment or materials offered. Staff members hold consultations to those who need help on how to use the services.

The equipment in the FabLab is “just another” resource to allow students to learn in real time, rather than reading from print, she said. Some of the most popular resources students use in the lab are 3D printing and their “brand new” laser cutter, which can cut and engrave wood, glass, acrylic and more.

“I love that any student, staff, faculty, whatever, can walk in here, and if they have an interest in something, they can pick it up, they can learn it, they can talk to someone,” Stutler said. “You have that opportunity to learn something different, and it’s completely self motivated.”


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